International Journal of Tamil Language and Literary Studies (Nov 2022)

ந. சுப்பு ரெட்டியாரின் தொண்டை நாட்டுத் திருப்பதிகம் வெளிப்படுத்தும் பக்திநெறி / Portrayal of Bhakti Idea in N. Subbu Reddiar’s Thondai Nattu Thiruppathigam

  • கு. கோகிலா / K. Kokila,
  • முனைவர் செ. ஹேமலதா / Dr. S. Hemalatha

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume - 5, no. Special Issue - 1
pp. 184 – 197


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Tolkappiyam is the basic source of Tamil literature. Tolkappiyam's writing, rhetoric and materiality form the basis of the Tamil language and grammar. Terminology in the language also tells about modes of action in semantics through grammar. The Alwars and Nayanmars through their eloquence sang Tirupathikams and expounded them through Saiva and Vaishnava sects. One can get to know the mythological stories, the structures of the temples, the hymns of the Alwars and the inscriptions of the Nayanmars. The shrines in Ranipet district can be learned through the book “Thondai Nattu Tirupathikam”. In the history of the Thondai region, the life of Ilandrayan, and the reason for the name of Alwars are detailed. Saivism means the principles of the Shiva cult and glorifies the incarnation of Lord Shiva. The songs of the chief three Saiva nobles were compiled by King Rajaraja Chola through Nambiandar Nambi. Saiva scriptures are rendered mainly by Thirunnasambandar, Thirunavukarasar and Sundarar. It is possible to know that the news and books about Saiva Siddhanta have been published in the books of Na. Subbu Reddiar. The Alwars and Nayanmars who lived in the Thondai region used to go to the shrines, perform tirupanis, preach Thirunama and pray to Thiruperuman Shiva. It can be known that they worshipped, performed pujas and preached beneficial messages to the people with Thirunamam of Lord Shiva. Vaishnava and Saiva incarnations are glorified in the Thondai region. The glory of the Spiritual Alwars, Nayanmars and the kings and the special features of the temples can be learnt from Subbu Reddiar's books.
