Jurnal Keperawatan 'Aisyiyah (Aug 2018)
Pengaruh Patient Safety Human Patient Simulation (PS-HPS) Terhadap Capaian Pembelajaran Keselamatan Pasien Pada Mahasiswa Profesi Ners STIKep PPNI Jabar
Human patient simulation (HPS) is one kind of simulation that makes students learn in a realistic environment with a clinical state. Simple simulations with phantom used by nursing education to provide basic skills to students (Jeffris et al, 2009). The research design used is one group pre-post test design. The population of this research is Ners Students Class IV Class 1 Waves B STIKep PPNI Jabar number of samples 43 people, sampling technique used is total sampling. Data collection to know the achievement of patient safety learning using Patient Safety Competency Self Evaluation (PSCSE) instrument. Data were analyzed by using T dependent Test (Paired T Test). The result of the research shows that there is difference of learning achievement value with P value 0,000. HPS can be used as one of the laboratory learning methods before the professional participants are on the practice ground.