Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia (Oct 2008)
Avaliação radiológica do espaço articular na artrose do quadril: estudo comparativo em decúbito e ortostatismo Radiologic evaluation of joint space in hip arthrosis: comparative study in decubitus and upright
OBJETIVO: Comparar as alterações do espaço articular em pacientes com osteoartrose do quadril, por meio de estudo radiográfico que inclui as posições em decúbito dorsal e ortostatismo monopodálico. MÉTODOS: A amostra do presente estudo consta de 74 radiografias. Metade das radiografias foram realizadas com os pacientes em decúbito dorsal e a outra metade com os pacientes em ortostatismo monopodálico. Uma régua milimetrada e uma lente de aumento foram usadas para realizar as medições dos quadris. O espaço entre o acetábulo e a cabeça femoral (EACF) foi medido a partir de radiografias centradas no quadril. RESULTADOS: Comparando-se 74 radiografias com osteoartrose do quadril obtidas em decúbito dorsal e ortostatismo monopodálico conclui-se que existe diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as posições estudadas respectivamente de 1,47 para 1,12mm (p OBJECTIVE: To compare changes in the joint space of patients with hip osteoarthrosis using radiographic studies that include positions lying on the back and standing on one foot. METHODS: The sample of this study includes 74 X-rays. Half of them were made with the patients lying on their backs, and in the other half, the patients were standing on one foot. A ruler with millimeter markings and a magnifying lens were used to measure the hips. The space between the acetabulum and the femoral head (EACF) was measured using X-rays centered on the hip. RESULTS: Comparing 74 X-rays with hip osteoarthrosis taken with the patient lying on the back and standing on one foot, conclusion is that there is a statistically significant difference between the positions studied, from 1.47 to 1.12 mm, respectively (p < 0.0001). The correlation was 0.952 with p < 0.0001. The paired t student test for the lying on the back sample and for the upright sample showed a confidence interval of 0.2671 to 0,4302, with p < 0.0001, double tailed. CONCLUSION: X-rays measured in the upright position standing on a single foot provide a better evaluation of the joint space and of the degree of arthrosis.