Pathomorphological characteristics of viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits
The dead animals have a pathomorphological picture with a brightly expressed hemorrhagic diathesis, in many organs there is venous stasis. Blood does not clot for several hours, and at autopsy of organs (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) it is poured in significant amounts into the body cavity. Macroscopically, the most significant changes are observed in the respiratory system. The lungs are blood-filled, intensely swollen and unevenly colored, have a grayish-pink color with single or multiple spotted and spotted hemorrhages under the pleura. Red or almost colorless liquid flows down from the incision surface, foamy exudate is released from the bronchi when pressed on. There are no patterns in the localization of pathomorphological changes in any part of the lungs (apical, cardiac, diaphragmatic): all parts are damaged at once, or mainly in one or another part. The walls of the trachea, nasal cavities, to a lesser extent the larynx are distinctly hemorrhagic. Their red color is more often caused by venous hyperemia. The lumen of the trachea and larynx is filled with red or colorless foamy fluid. Changes in the liver are constant, but not always the same type and are due to the degree of its blood supply, which causes a change in color, amount and consistency. In the first hours after the death of the animal, the liver is usually completely blood-filled, enlarged, easily torn, has a reddish-brown color with a yellowish tinge in the central parts of the lobes. The capillary network of the body looks like red streaks and dots of irregular shape. Spotted hemorrhages are sometimes observed under the capsule of the organ. The gallbladder contains some bile, its mucous is rough, a bit exfoliated. The spleen is increased in size by 1.5–3 times, swollen, dark cherry in color with a typical purple tinge. The kidneys are completely blood-filled, reddish-brown and increased in several times. The thymus is slightly reddened, often with multiple spotted or spotted hemorrhages in the chest. Lymph nodes are pulpy, grayish-pink, rarely red, not significantly changed in size. The heart (especially its right half) is filled with a large amount of black and red blood, increased in size , the walls of the ventricles are stretched, thin, have flabby consistency. Multiple spotted and spotted hemorrhages under the epicardium and endocardium are common. Changes in the gastrointestinal tract characterize catarrhal (rarely catarrhal-hemorrhagic) inflammation, sometimes hemorrhage in the duodenum and rectum, exfoliation of the gastric mucosa. In the form of hemorrhage, pathological and anatomical changes are found in the uterus and adrenal glands, in the form of congestive hyperemia – in the genitals, goiter, brain.