Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces (Mar 2021)
Question of national identity as a part of the cultural security of Italy
The research subject discussed in the article is the main conditions of the cultural nationality of The Italian Republic. In the first part of the text, the notions of spiritual and material cultural heritage and the concept of national identity are described and explained. Next, the problem of Italian national identity is discussed. The Italian Republic is a young state with a strong regional identity and still weak national identity. Italy is inhabited by many ethnic groups, often characterized by diverse cultures and customs. The situation is complicated by the Italian Peninsula’s history, which contributed to the conflict of interest between the north and south. The author analyzes history, language, and religion, searching for common elements determining Italian nationality. Italian society, as mentioned above, has still been searching for its national identity. Unification of the nation is a process that is in progress. It is still a challenge for both the authorities and the citizens. Finally, the elements of Italian material cultural heritage are characterized, and the domains of cultural heritage and the institutions responsible for their security are described.