Antarctic Record (Feb 1980)
Study of the Attitudes of Rockets Launched at Syowa Station (b. Electric Fields and Current System) (Proceeding of the Second Symposium on Coordinated Observations of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere in the Polar Regions : Part I)
Since the first flight of the S-160 type rocket at Syowa Station in February 1970, twenty-nine S-210 type rockets and three S-310 rockets were launched until September 1977. The attitudes of the rockets were measured by the geomagnetic attitude (GA) sensors aboard the rockets. In general, there are two possibihties for the precession angles of the rocket determined from the geomagnetic attitude sensor, since the sensor measures the angles between the rocket axis and the geomagnetic field lines. However, it is suggested that the precession angle is determined from only the GA data by using the data with regards to the principal inertia moments of the rocket