Metals (May 2021)
Full Variation of Site Substitution in Ni-Mn-Ga by Ferromagnetic Transition Metals
Systematic doping by transition elements Fe, Co and Ni on each site of Ni2MnGa alloy reveal that in bulk material the increase in martensitic transformation temperature is usually accompanied by the decrease in ferromagnetic Curie temperature, and vice versa. The highest martensitic transformation temperature (571 K) was found for Ni50.0Mn25.4(Ga20.3Ni4.3) with the result of a reduction in Curie temperature by 55 K. The highest Curie point (444 K) was found in alloy (Ni44.9Co5.1)Mn25.1Ga24.9; however, the transition temperature was reduced to 77 K. The dependence of transition temperature is better scaled with the Ne/a parameter (number of non-bonding electrons per atom) compared to usual e/a (valence electrons per atom). Ne/a dependence predicts a disappearance of martensitic transformation in (Ni45.3Fe5.3)Mn23.8Ga25.6, in agreement with our experiment. Although Curie temperature usually slightly decreases while the martensitic transition increases, there is no significant correlation of Curie temperature with e/a or Ne/a parameters. The doping effect of the same element is different for each compositional site. The cascade substitution is discussed and related to the experimental data.