Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals (Dec 2001)
Kant and the Mediterranean: a new view of Euro-Mediterranean policy
The Mediterranean policy of the European Union (EU) is in crisis. Ever more experts stress the importance of a interrelation of the three –economic, political and social– pillars of the Barcelona Declaration. Thus far, these three baskets have always been treated separately. This paper analyzes the relationship and causality among these three pillars and the strategy the EU is pursuing toward the so-called Non-Community Mediterranean Countries (NCMC). Based on a synthesis of the concepts of “perpetual peace” from Kant and of the “security community” from K. W. Deutsch, the author concludes that the introduction of democracy in the NCMC is a key element for the future of the Euro-Mediterranean Association and, therefore, that Community policy must give greater emphasis to the development ofdemocratic rules in the area to make it a project with a future.