International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine (May 2017)

A Case with late onset of ambiguous genitalia

  • Soraya Saleh Gargari,
  • Faezeh Azizi,
  • Nasrin Saleh,
  • Mir Davood Omrani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 3
pp. 175 – 178


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Background: Ambiguous genitalia is an uncommon situation that happensbetween 1 and 2 per every 1000 live births and falls under the umbrella diagnosisof disorders of sexual development. Case: In this article, we report a case of male pseudohermaphroditism withambiguous genitalia. The proband was a 12 yr old girl without any uterus orovarian tissues. Karyotype of the case is 46, XY. Genes involved in sexualdifferentiation such as AR, SRD5A2, LH, LHR, FSH, 17 B HSD and SRY geneswere sequenced in both directions. No mutations were found in these geneseither. Conclusion: It seems advisable to be cautious in similar cases, and reviseprotocol for tracing the genes involved in the patients.
