Geotechnics (Oct 2024)
Dissipation of Energy and Generation of Pore Pressure in Load-Controlled and Displacement-Controlled Cyclic Tests
The amount of energy dissipated in the soil during cyclic loading controls the amount of pore pressure generated under that loading. Because of this, the normalized dissipated energy per unit volume is the basis for both pore pressure generation models and energy-based liquefaction analyses. The pattern of energy dissipation in the soil in load-controlled cyclic triaxial and load-controlled cyclic direct simple shear tests and displacement-controlled cyclic triaxial and displacement-controlled cyclic direct simple shear tests is quite different. As a result, the pattern of pore pressure generation associated with load-controlled tests is markedly different from that in displacement-controlled tests. Pore pressure generation patterns for each of the four test types were proposed based upon the manner in which the load was applied during the test and the soil’s response to that loading. The results of four tests, two load controlled and two displacement controlled, were then used to verify these patterns. Pore pressure generation rates in load-controlled and displacement-controlled tests are different when plotted against their cycle ratios. Conversely, the tests produce nearly identical patterns when plotted against energy dissipation ratio. This occurs because of the relationship between energy dissipation ratio and pore pressure generation is independent of the loading pattern.