Revista de Management Comparat International (May 2023)
A Net-Zero World, Climate Technology and Business Models
Technology and business model innovation are needed to build a netzero world and doing so will open up new business opportunities for organizations that take initiative. A considerable economic transition will be required to achieve net-zero emissions. To maintain warming on a 1.5°C trajectory, developing, growing, and implementing climate technology will be essential. The move to a low-carbon economy will expand some markets while endangering others. Businesses that can innovate swiftly and work together across value chains will be in a position to take advantage of several prospects for green growth. The 200-year history of industrial activity by humans is what led to the current trends and exchanges. The transition to the new paradigm of a net-zero planet has a 30-year timeframe. Here, climate technology as well as commercial structures that enable this evolution enter the picture.