Спортивная медицина: наука и практика (Aug 2020)
Evaluation of the efficiency of innovative forms of healthy lifestyle of students during the implementation of the health-saving project
Objective: to evaluate medical effectiveness of innovative forms of healthy lifestyle development for students of VSMU on the basis of a comprehensive study of the health status and lifestyle of students during the implementation of a health-saving project based on the example of the work of the «AcademicHealthCenter». Materials and methods: to solve these tasks, a complex of medical-sociological (questionnaires), clinical-statistical, biochemical and instrumental research methods was used. The objects of the study were: health indicators, conditions of the educational process, the quality and lifestyle of students of VSMU named after BurdenkoN.N. 537 students took part in the survey. Results: conceptual model on formation of infrastructural, organizational and administrative reserves for improving the quality of preventive medical work in the youth environment was developed and tested using the example of the creation of the «Academic Health Center». Conclusions: the developed model allowed not only to change the technology of rendering medical aid to students, but also to save funds in conditions of a funding gap, improve quality and accessibility of medical services to a socially unprotected category of the population.