Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications (Dec 2020)
Purification and physicochemical characterization of Prunus domestica exudate gum polysaccharide
Prunus domestica is one of the gums producing species of Roscaceae family and not yet explored due to unavailability of scientific data on gum properties. The present work was undertaken to study the physicochemical and functional properties of Prunus domestica plant exudate. The Prunus domestica exudate gum made-up of two fractions water-soluble (73%) and non-soluble (23%). Carbohydrate profiling of PDG shows that Galactose contributes a major fraction of purified gum followed by arabinose, xylose, and mannose. FTIR spectra give a typical pattern of polysaccharides. The XRD analysis of these fractions showed that the crystallinity index of the non-soluble fraction was higher than a soluble fraction. The GPC result reviles that the molecular weight of PDG is 4.9 x106 Da. PDG shows good emulsion stability at 3% concentration. The physicochemical and functional properties of the PDG shows the greater potential as an additive for food and pharmaceutical industries.