Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki (Jun 2018)
Potencjał polskich miast pod względem zabytkowych tramwajów i ich wykorzystanie w turystyce
Technical heritage in recent years is becoming more and more popular and more often is a subject of tourist interest. The article focuses on historic tramcars, with survived in great numbers in some of Polish cities and are a record of changes in the organisation of public transport. Moreover, they compose a significant potential for tourism development. In the paper there were analysed - for certain Polish cities - number and age of historic tramcars (including also their technical state) as well as ways of exposing them and their exploitation - presence of public transport museums, operating of tourist lines and possibility of renting those vehicles. It occurred that not always a big potential corresponds with a developed offer. Although hav-ing numerous and valuable coaches, in Wrocław there is no museum and only few tramcars are operating. On the other hand in Cracow and Warsaw from among ten to twenty coaches almost all are operational, the offer of tourist lines is attractive, moreover - in the first city there is a modern museum connected with public transport.