مجلة الآداب و العلوم الإجتماعية (Dec 2016)

الإشهار: مفهومه الإداري والوظيفي لدى المؤسسة الاقتصادية الجزائرية. دراسة ميدانية على عينة من المؤسسات الاقتصادية

  • نور الدين مبني

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 01, no. 23
pp. 231 – 250


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The importance of this study because it raises one important topics in the publicity studies , so we know it's deficient in the scientific studies and research at the national level , namely the studies of administrative and functional concepts of the announcement .The importance of the study is about the growing prestige became enjoyed by the publicity at all levels. It has become the necessities of the times to keep up with this complexity and interdependency also, the importance of research in this subject in being offered a framework intellectually serve as a reference for the sector notification and other relevant sectors in order to develop advertising and promotion work. This study also considered for his support of other researchers in this area so we will try to talk about some of the elements that we have seen as worthy of study and primarily related to the administrative and functional concept of publicity.
