Journal of Curriculum Studies (Sep 2006)
臺灣公民教育的民主性之內容分析:以高中公民課程為例The Content Analysis of Taiwan Democratic Civic Education: A Case Study on the High School Civics
民主的公民教育是政治社會化的機制,必須涵蓋法治政治的核心價值與社會統合之機制,同時二者之間具有邏輯一致性,才能達成公民教育的目標。本文首先從探討民主政治的核心價值出發,探討其運作原則。由民主的核心價值與公共規範作為公民教育的內涵,其實踐則仰賴民主政治社的重要關鍵——公共理性,其為討論公民教育模式的重要依據。民主的公民教育應涵養未來公民作道德的、價值的與可實踐決定之能力,而非二分為社會科學知識的傳遞或道德教條的灌輸,這個目標的達成必須檢視學校可否成為「民主的公共領域」,透過對於課程內涵與組織發展的模式,檢視公民教育的成功與否。本文期待透過對於現有課程的分析,作為未來課程檢討、修正與發展的依據。 Democratic civic education is the mechanism of political-socialization. To reach the goal, the curriculum must include the core values and social integration of democratic politics; meanwhile, there must be a logical relationship between these two key elements. This study begins with the discussion on the core values and the fundamentals of democracy. Furthermore, it states that democratic fundamentals construct the curriculum for Civics and that the practice of civic education depends on public reason, which is essential for civic education. Finally, it argues that Civics is not the teaching of social science knowledge or the indoctrination of a moral creed. Instead, the course should aim to develop future citizens’ competence in making ethical and practical decisions. To achieve this ultimate goal, it is necessary to check if school is a“democratic public sphere."Through analyzing the content and the format of the current curriculum, the researcher hopes to provide insightful guidelines for the evaluation, modification or development of the future Civics curriculum in Taiwan.