Наукові горизонти (May 2019)
The biggest air pollutants with exhaust gases in Ukraine are automobiles that use gasoline as a fuel for their engines. Therefore, the usage of alternative types of fuel, which in their turn may initially replace the gasoline, is relevant. One of the ways to solve this problem is the possibility to work both gasoline engines, as well as diesel automobiles on generator gas (GG), obtained by gasification of solid fuel. However, this leads to the deterioration of the refurbished engines working on generator gas external work rates and the dispersal rates of these automobiles in particular. The graphical dependence of automobiles speed reducing value (including dispersal speed) during the gear shift from the reduced rolling resistance and transmission time is obtained. It has been established, that the usage of GG as a fuel for GAS – SAZ – 35071 engine worsens the value of dispersal rates more than twice. Due to the fact, that the usage of special gas – generator engines is hardly ever possible in the couple of following years, other ways to increase the dispersal rates within the refurbished engines should be found. The most effective increase of dispersal rates of these automobiles can be achieved by the gas – air mixture density increase, which is entering the cylinders of refurbished engines. The usage of gas – air blasting increases the effective power of the particular engine by 20…35 %. It has been established, that the usage of the supercharger (with mechanical drive) of the gas – air mixture in the cylinders of the engine working on the GG leads to the automobile dispersal rates increase compared to the gas – generator automobiles that do not use the similar system by 12…19 %.