Acta Montanistica Slovaca (Dec 2001)
Information technologies in the air pollution control in the Slovak Republik
Unfavorable development air pollution along with the alarming growth of ecological damages speeded up an international cooperation. In 1979 the UN ECE Convention on Long Range Transport of Air Pollution was signed in Geneva, of which Slovakia is the successor. A part of the Convention is the implementation of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of Long Range Transport of Air Pollution in Europe (EMEP Environment Monitoring and Evaluation Programme). In the sense of the Convention, the EMEP is obligatory for all European countries. Its goal is to monitor, model and evaluate long range transport of air pollutants in Europe and to elaborate a basis for the strategy to reduce European emissions.The national network of SHMI regional stations is a part of the EMEP monitoring system.This paper deals with information technologies in the air pollution control in Slovakia: imission and emission monitoring systems. From 1.1.2001 the Slovak emission monitoring system represented by the Emission and air pollutation source investory (EAPSI) was replaced by the new system National Emission Inventory System (NEIS). This new system removed drawbacks of system EAPSI.The Slovak Republic has fulfilled the commitment from the first sulphur Protocol that represented a reduction of European sulphur dioxide emissions by about 30%. Reduction of European emissions has been positively manifested in a precipitation acidity decrease over the territory of Slovakia. In compliance with the second suplhur Protocol, the European sulphur dioxide emissions should be reduced about 65% by 2005, as compared to 1980.