Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (May 2014)
Descontentamento na Europa em tempos de austeridade: Da ação coletiva à participação individual no protesto social
This article analyses the new cycle of social protest in Europe in response to neoliberal austerity on two levels: firstly, on the macro level of collective action, it identifies some of the characteristics, conditions and motives underlying the initiatives by the newest social movements and trade unions, and explores their differences, complementarities and potential connections; secondly, on the micro level of individual participation, it considers the conditions and motives for individual involvement in protests on the basis of the 2012 European Social Survey, with a particular emphasis on sociodemographic characteristics (including levels of education and employment), discontent with democracy and the economy, lack of confidence in democratic institutions, trade union membership, involvement in national elections, and demands for social justice, specifically with regard to reducing poverty and income inequality. It also explores the extent to which the conditions and reasons for individual participation correspond to the conditions and reasons for collective action, i.e. the protests organised by the newest social movements and/or the trade unions.