Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2016)
Bibliographic Index "Book in Ukraine in 1861-1917": materials for the repertoire of Ukrainian book (Аspect of sources study)
Grounding on materials of the well-known bibliologist S.Y. Petrov (1917-1974), the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine issues bibliographic index «Book in Ukraine in 1861-1917: materials for the repertoire of Ukrainian book». In the article there is presented an overview of the information sources, being used for the scientific and bibliographic editing and supplement of card filing with editions, published in Ukrainian and Russian languages during 1861-1917 yy within present borders of Ukraine. Sources base of the index includes traditional printed and electronic information resources of the late nineteenth - early XXI century. Attention is also paid to the databases «International catalogue repertoire of Ukrainian book in 1798-1923 yy», «Catalog of Russian book of the XIX century (1826-1917)» and others. It is noted that while creating the repertoire of national books of the late nineteenth - early twentieth century, it’s been created second degree bibliography, having an independent scientific value.