Евразийская интеграция: экономика, право, политика (Dec 2019)
Legal Details of the International Organization INMARSAT
International Mobile Satellite Organization INMARSAT, established in 1976, has proven its viability and effectiveness by ensuring continuous interaction of states and national organizations in achieving common objectives of the creation and operation of its space segment for the purpose of providing commercial radio communication services for mobile sea, ground and air units, as well as non-commercial radio communication services, including services within the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS). In this connection, it is of both academic and practical interest to study the details of INMARSAT’s international law nature. This international organisation is unique because, while having international legal personality, it is directly engaged in providing its space segment. This has affected the structure and content of INMARSAT’ foundation documents (Convention and Operational Agreement), the nature of its membership and content of its bodies’ functions, the rights and obligations of a member state and the national communications organisation nominated by it as the INMARSAT participant. An analysis of INMARSAT’s international law nature will allow to assess the extent to which its organizational and legal structure meets the requirements.