Convergencia (Jan 2005)
Precarización Ocupacional por Género en Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Toluca
The article analyzes the structure and dynamics of the market of work of the ZMCT, starting from the changes in the work force and the structure of the occupations. It emphasizes on the sectoral composition of the employment and the tendencies of precarización of the work differentials among goods. The decade of the ninety and the current one, they show important changes in this sense. The apparent improvement in the work market interms of a moderate reduction of the open unemployment, he/she has gone accompanied by a displacement of the employment of the sectors producing of goods to ward the services, with an important growth of informal, precarious activities, of low wages. The analysis of the data, gives bill of the characteristics of the work market in this city, besides detecting some features sociodemográficos of the workers, putting particular attention in the phenomenon of the womans insert in the economic and growing activity of occupational precarización