Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira ()
Hallmarks of liver lesions in pigs naturally infected by hepatitis E virus genotype 3
ABSTRACT: Histopathological evaluation of liver from 33 pigs slaughtered for human consumption in Amazon region, previously tested by serology and molecular techniques for hepatitis E virus infection (HEV), was analysed in three groups: Group 1, negative for both HEV-RNA and anti-HEV IgG (n=10); Group 2, positive for HEV-RNA (n=13); Group 3, positive for anti-HEV IgG (n=10). Group 2 showed a significant difference among the groups for liver lesions such as lobular activity (P=0.007), periportal interface hepatitis (P=0.004), portal inflammation (P=0.028) hepatitis with lobular, portal and periportal interface activity (P=0.001). HEV detection by immunohistochemistry was performed and 3 of 6 samples of group 2 were positive. Pigs naturally infected by HEV genotype 3 present microscopic necroinflammatory liver lesions similar to HEV in humans. Liver histopathology showed be important in the diagnosis of active asymptomatic HEV infection in pigs slaughtered for human consumption because hepatic liver lesions may present distinct profiles according to molecular and serological diagnosis and in this sense, histopathology and immunohistochemistry may be an important complementary diagnostic tool.