IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (Jan 2023)
Behavior-Dependent Corticocortical Contributions to Imagined Grasping: A BCI-Triggered TMS Study
Previous studies have indicated that corticocortical neural mechanisms differ during various grasping behaviors. However, the literature rarely considers corticocortical contributions to various imagined grasping behaviors. To address this question, we examine their mechanisms by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) triggered when detecting event-related desynchronization during right-hand grasping behavior imagination through a brain-computer interface (BCI) system. Based on the BCI system, we designed two experiments. In Experiment 1, we explored differences in motor evoked potentials (MEPs) between power grip and resting conditions. In Experiment 2, we used the three TMS coil orientations (lateral-medial (LM), posterior-anterior (PA), and anterior-posterior (AP) directions) over the primary motor cortex to elicit MEPs during imagined index finger abduction, precision grip, and power grip. We found that larger MEP amplitudes and shorter latencies were obtained in imagined power grip than in resting. We also detected lower MEP amplitudes during imagined power grip, while MEP amplitudes remained similar across imagined precision grip and index finger abduction in each TMS coil orientation. Differences in AP-LM latency were longer when subjects imagined a power grip compared with precision grip and index finger abduction. Based on our results, higher cortical excitability may be achieved when humans imagine precision grip and index finger abduction. Our results suggests that higher cortical excitability may be achieved when humans imagine precision grip and index finger abduction. We also propose that preferential recruitment of late synaptic inputs to corticospinal neurons may occur when humans imagine a power grip.