Medical Education Online (Jan 2020)
Applying multiple frameworks to establish effective virtual collaborative teams in academia: a review and recommendations
Recently, academic health professionals have been increasing collaboration with peers at a distance for activities such as research, scholarship, and faculty development. Novel virtual technologies enable academic professional teams to overcome time and distance barriers to facilitate collaboration, but little research is available to guide academicians on how to effectively organize and manage virtual collaborative teams using these technologies. Based upon a literature review and six years of experience as a virtual collaborative team, the authors use Boyer’s Scholarship of Integration paradigm to identify and critique four models for virtual collaboration. The literature search devised from the four identified models found references that had a theoretical foundation for peer virtual collaboration and have been adopted in some professional context. The authors present a review of this literature, describe the benefits for adapting these models to academic health profession contexts, and provide a reflective critique about the challenges for their adaptation in these contexts. They also provide a hypothetical scenario to exemplify the application of these models for health-care professionals along with important considerations and tips when forming new virtual peer collaborative teams or problem-solving teams who are not optimally functioning.