Успехи молекулярной онкологии (Jul 2019)
Promises of targeted therapy for low grade gliomas in children
Low grade gliomas are the most common brain tumors in children. Total resection for operable lesion helps to achieve local and system control. Nevertheless, for inaccessible tumors are required more effective treatment both to overcome the refractory course of the disease, and to mi nimize toxicity with conventional adjuvant chemotherapy and various types of radiation therapy. In recent years, there has been an accelerated understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of some tumors in children, including low grade gliomas. Given the fact that the basis of the molecular pathogenesis of the low grade gliomas is the activation of signaling pathways MARK (mitogen activated protein kinase) and mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), the most promising targeted agents are BRAF, MEK and mTOR inhibitors. Nevertheless, a number of other agents have been studied to find promising targeted therapy for this tumors type. This article summarizes the latest literature evaluating new drugs in low grade glioma.