Activités ()
Vers un langage de conception d’UX − Proposition d’un lexique pour représenter l’expérience utilisateur conçue dans des activités de conception
The importance of taking user experience (UX) into account during design is increasingly recognized. In this context, this article looks at UX design activities carried out by teams of designers, and how they can be improved. To this end, the first step is to provide designers with the means to analyze their current UX design activities using graphical representations that will allow them to establish a diagnosis, with the strong points and points for improvement in relation to UX. However, although the literature contains numerous UX models and graphical representations of design processes (project chronicles), there is no model that represents the UX conceived within a design process. To overcome this problem, we propose two models: a UX metamodel as a lexicon for describing UX, combined with a “UX chronicle” model representing the UX conceived through design activities. This lexicon is the first building block of a UX design language. We use this “UX Chronicles” model to diagnose five transportation design projects. These chronicles revealed three problems: the way UX is taken into consideration varies significantly from one design project to another, a lack of UX specification and evaluation as well as a lack of certain key UX elements such as the users’ characteristics, knowledge and preferences. While the approach proposed in this article still requires work on validation and roll-out, it enables the diagnosis of UX design activities and the formulation of personalized recommendations, which, to our knowledge, does not exist in the literature.