Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications (Dec 2024)
Analysis of Professional Awareness, Anxiety, Expectation and Career Planning Levels of University Students Who are Taking Landscape Education
This study aims to assess the professional awareness and career planning of undergraduate and associate degree students in two cities with landscape education infrastructure. The study comprised 69 undergraduate and 48 associate degree students from Dicle and Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Universities during the 2023-2024 academic year, with a survey administered to 117 students through face-to-face interviews. The study results were derived utilizing the T-test, ANOVA test, and Games-Howell test with the IBM SPSS STATISTICS 22.0 software modules. The results were assessed in tables, revealing the choices of undergraduate and associate degree students together with their future aspirations aligned with these interests. Consequently, disparities were identified between the choices of undergraduate and associate degree students regarding employment in their respective fields, pursuing advanced education, enrolling in alternative programs, and seeking employment outside their current disciplines. Differences emerged between undergraduate and associate degree students' professional commitments and future concerns. Primary factors affecting these differences included education content and duration, gender, academic level, and socioeconomic status.