Carnets (Jun 2012)
De ‘la littérature du Midi de l’Europe’ a l’avènement d’un « nouveau monde » littéraire: l’œuvre de Simonde de Sismondi et Ferdinant Denis revisitée”
The departure of the Portuguese royal family and the court to Brazil as a consequence of Napoleon’s project for Europe has caught the attention of scholars to a new world, and its capacity of producing important changes in the cultural and literary relations between European countries and colonised ones. The Brazilian case, particularly present in the work of two of the first foreign historians of Portuguese literature, Simonde de Sismondi and Ferdinand Denis, provides an interesting field of research in this sense. Our analysis will focus on the publication of the book De la littérature du Midi de l’Europe, in 1813, by the first, and on the Résumé de l’histoire littéraire du Portugal suivi du Résumé de l’histoire du Brésil, by the latter, in 1826.