Остеопороз и остеопатии (Aug 2007)
Nekotorye aspekty problemy narusheniyaosanki u podrostkov Primorskogo kraya
Objective of study was to examine mineral bone density and condition of bone metabolism in adolescent with different types of carriage disorders. Material and methods: We investigated 122 adolescent with carriage disorders, its dates of dual - energy X - ray absorbtiometry. Condition of bone metabolism was estimated on blood osteocalcini and ßCrossLaps. Condition of calcii-phosphorum exchange was estimated on blood calcium (Ca) and phosphorus concentration and also its level in urinary daily. PTH secretion in the serum blood was estimated. Control group was consisted by 70 health adolescent similar ages and sex. Results: 48% adolescences with carriage disorders had osteopenic syndrome and dysfunction of calcii-phosphorum exchange and bone metabolism in compare control group. Conclusion: carriage disorders and long conservation of negative calcium exchange lead to bone metabolism dysfunction and is one's risk factor development of osteopenic syndrome.