Pharmacia (Apr 2021)

Assessment of oral solid dosage forms administration manner and acceptability

  • May Almukainzi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 68, no. 2
pp. 393 – 400


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Taking oral solid dosage forms (OSDFs) safely and effectively is particularly important. This study aimed to determine the pattern and knowledge about the proper criteria of OSDF administration and the consumers’ preferences toward OSDF characteristics. The aims of this study were achieved by cross-sectional survey through open and closed-ended questionnaires, and the presence of the main OSDF administration recommendations of a sample of 32 OSDF drug leaflets was assessed. Based on a simple random sample of 250 volunteers, we found inadequate compliance with the OSDF medicine administration criteria. We also found an absence of the main recommendations of OSDF drug administration on most of the investigated OSDF drug leaflets. Conventional white, round tablets were found to be the most preferred type of OSDF drug. These findings can be valuable to pharmaceutical manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and pharmacists to enhancing patient awareness and compliance with OSDF administration for safe and effective drug administration.