Children (Aug 2022)
The Study of Nutrient Intake and Adolescent Girls’ Quality of Life in a Rural Area of Indonesia
An inadequate nutrient intake correlates with malnutrition, a problem affecting many adolescents worldwide. Nutrient intake is associated with quality of life (QoL). Our study analyzed the relationship between nutrient intake and adolescents’ QoL. We conducted a cross-sectional study. Through simple random sampling, 157 adolescent girls were selected. Nutrition status was assessed using anthropometric measurements. Nutrient intake was collected using the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). WHOQOL BREF was used to explore adolescent girls’ quality of life. The median of nutrient intake: energy (908.25 kcal); protein (24.16 g); carbohydrate (128.89 g); fat (21.89 g); vitamin A (77.10 mg); vitamin E (1.40 mg); vitamin B1 (0.19 mg); vitamin B2 (0.29 mg); vitamin B6 (0.45 mg); folic acid (35.13 mg); vitamin C (12.60 mg); calcium (197.46 mg); magnesium (93.72 mg); iron (2.64 mg); and zinc (2.09 mg). The adolescents’ QoL scores were physical health 44 (25–81), psychological domain 56 (19–94), social relationships 56 (19–94), and environmental domain 56 (31–100). The strongest correlations were between (1) physical health with carbohydrates, vitamin C, and fat; (2) psychological domain with calcium; (3) social relationships with carbohydrates and vitamin C; and (4) environmental domain with BMI and zinc. There was a significant positive correlation between the intake of some nutrients and adolescents’ QoL, despite the observation of some significant negative correlations. The findings of this study indicate that more attention should be focused on adolescents’ nutrient intake in order to improve their QoL.