One hundred representative species of fungi in Korea were selected and their Korean names were proposed to increase interest in fungi among Korean people. This task was performed under the supervision of the Committee of Mycological Terms, under the Korean Society of Mycology. First, the committee established the criteria for selecting 100 representative species of fungi in Korea and then selected the candidate fungal species accordingly. To ensure the uniformity and stability of Korean fungal names, the principle of naming fungi in Korean was established, and the candidate Korean fungal names were presented accordingly. Finally, the candidate Korean fungal names were posted online to collect opinions of the members of the Korean Society of Mycology. The candidate Korean names of the plant pathogenic fungi and mushrooms were reviewed by the Korean Society of Plant Pathology and the Korean Society of Mushroom Science, respectively. After their opinions were considered, the Korean names for 100 representative fungi in Korea were finally determined. The 100 fungi comprised 41 common molds and yeasts, 28 plant pathogenic fungi, and 31 mushrooms.