Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Nov 2020)

Cuidado de indivíduos com diabetes mellitus: a consulta de enfermagem na perspectiva de enfermeiras

  • Claudia Moresco Peliser Beal,
  • Valéria Silvana Faganello Madureira,
  • Jeane Barros de Souza,
  • Liane Colliselli,
  • Larissa Hermes Thomas Tombini,
  • Daniela Savi Geremia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 0
pp. e92 – e92


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Objective: to know the perspective of nurses about the nursing consultation in the care of individuals with Diabetes mellitus. Method: exploratory, qualitative and descriptive study developed in a city of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It was attended by six nurses working in primary care units and in a reference service. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, between June and August 2015. The analysis followed the Thematic Analysis technique. Results: when performed, the nursing consultation is incomplete, focused on complaints, repetitive and linked to the renewal of prescriptions, with a lack of professionals, high demand and concern in caring for quickly during assistance. Conclusion: the challenge of accomplishing the nursing consultation persists. Accordingly, the adequate staff sizing of the team is important, envisaging possible absences from work. Articulation of theory and practice and reorganization of the work process for integral care of individuals with Diabetes mellitus are essential for the nursing consultation to be used in the care.
