Droit et Cultures (Oct 2019)
Gestion publique de l’environnement et éducation : pratique de l’éducation à l’environnement critique par l’État brésilien
This text synthesizes the process of definition the environmental education by the educators of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable natural resources (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio-Ambiente e dos Recursos naturais Renováveis-IBAMA), the Brazilian federal body on the environment, within the framework of the public management of the environment. This education is a collective construction that begun in 1991, during the post-military dictatorship period, under the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, in the midst of internationalization of the debate on the environmental issue. It was the unique Brazilian experience of critical environmental education within the public environment management. The extinction of the unit responsible for environmental education within the IBAMA and the dispersal of its team of educators in April 2007 are still unexplained.