Интеграция образования (Mar 2021)
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Assessing Efficiency of Formation and Functioning of the EAEU’s Integrative Complex of Universities
Introduction. Integration processes in higher education have recently come into particular prominence. A special place in this context is occupied by the issues of integration in the field of higher education of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, which have not yet been sufficiently reflected in research. The goal of this paper is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for assessing the effectiveness of formation and functioning of the integration complex among the Eurasian Economic Union universities as a factor in increasing their competitiveness. Materials and Methods. Methods of theoretical and comparative analysis, synthesis and classification, method of constructing an economic and mathematical model, method of expert assessment were used in the study. Results. For the purpose of theoretical substantiation of one of the main forms of integration in the sphere of higher education the concept of “integration complex of universities” was introduced and its interpretation was proposed. Possible strategies for the formation of integration complexes of universities have been identified. A methodology for assessing the effectiveness of formation and functioning of the integration complex among Eurasian Economic Union universities has been developed and its integral indicator has been determined. Discussion and Conclusion. The obtained results of the research contribute to the development of the conceptual foundations of educational integration and methodological approaches to its assessment. The materials of this article will be useful to the staff of government agencies and academic institutions that study interstate integrative processes and their effectiveness in education.