Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk (Jan 2019)
Seismic microzonation maps of Phrae city, Northern Thailand
A case study using shear wave velocity (Vs) data obtained from seismic multi-channel analysis of surface wave (MASW) studies was used to evaluate site conditions in Phrae City, Northern Thailand. The MASW data was acquired at 40 sites that covered the entire city area. The main goal was to generate seismic microzonation maps for Phrae City. The NEHRP map generated from the Vs data closely matched the surficial geological map. Areas mapped as alluvium soil were assigned to NEHRP soil class D, while areas mapped as colluvium and river terrace soils, in contrast, fell into the NEHRP soil class C. The amplification map indicated a higher amplification in the west and central part of the city, where the soils mostly consisted of soft sediments from alluvial deposits. The eastern study area had a relatively low amplification, because the sediments in this area mostly consisted of coarse grain sediments. The site period map revealed that three- to four-story buildings were likely to be susceptible to ground shaking in most parts of the city, whereas one- to two-story buildings were only vulnerable in the eastern part of the study area.