Ostium (Jun 2014)
Bod a škvrna. Od symbolistického kódu k hľadaniu nového jazyka spirituálnej poézie (2. časť) (The Point and the Blur. From the Symbolistic Code to the Search for the New Language of Spiritual Poetry)
Spiritual themes in the 20th century Slovak poetry were influenced first of all by the aesthetic code of symbolism with a small exception in the 1930s when it was influenced by H. Bremond’s conception of pure poetry. Only in contemporary spiritual poetry the power of the symbolist code is weakening, and aesthetic impulses of avant-gardes and poststructuralist tendencies become a more distinctive source of inspiration. Against the background of the interpretation of two poetic texts—Milan Rúfus: Vlastnoručný podpis, coll. Vážka, 1998 [The Handwritten Signature, coll. The Dragonfly], and Erik Jakub Groch: Sa, coll. Druhá naivita, 2005 [Self, coll. The Second Naïveté], the study focuses on important developmental impulses in literary thought, observing how in a certain period the power of one aesthetic code begins to weaken and leaves a space for a new one to succeed.