Avances en Supervisión Educativa (Dec 2014)
PISA: lights and shades
Beginning with the letter published by 83 international personalities from the world of the Education, and sent to the director of the program of evaluation PISA, Andreas Schleicher, the authors analyze from a critical perspective the link between the test of PISA and the OECD. The authors defend the important question of the Pedagogic principles in the didactic processes and the concept of integral development of the person. Opposite to the didactic pragmatism that PISA values, they made three key competencies: reading, mathematics and science. In this communication the authors approach the study of information which is from society knowledge of the mass media and the results of the test done by PISA (the importance of the family, the studies and expectations regarding to their children). Finally they approach the concept of EQUITY and the results that Spain has reached in this area.