Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management (Apr 2023)

The Use of Digital Healthcare Systems to Predict Diseases

  • Janvee Garg,
  • Anil Kumar Singh



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Smart health care depends heavily on a resilient and strong digital infrastructure. Telemedicine, Electronic Health Records (EHR), Fitness Trackers, Wearable Devices that monitor Heart Rate, Steps, Sleep Cycle and many other digital health-related measures are already used as indicators of what a future system of health technology will look like. The purpose of this paper is to examine the existing research studies to determine if it is possible to forecast health based on the data available from such devices. Further, in the Indian context, where Unique Health ID is already being implemented, this paper aims to extend the functionality of the UHID and analyze the viability of integrating the UHID with data sources for predicting health. Predicting and forecasting health will benefit all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. Accurate disease forecasting models would be extremely helpful for epidemic and pandemic prevention and control. This research examines the potential for health forecasting and the challenges associated with its development.
