Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (Jul 2022)
Difficult Airway Management- A Challenge to Anaesthesiologists
Anticipated and unanticipated difficult airway remains an everlasting challenge for anesthesiologist. Most airway problems can be solved with enough resources available but clinical judgment borne of experience, and expertise is crucial in implementing the skills in any difficult airway scenario. Detailed patient history, best utilisation patient protocols, with good clinical assessment may reduce the difficult airway complications. The present series reports six patients with anticipated difficult airway-burn contracture, fractured mandible with restricted mouth, meningo myelocoele (in a neonate, and there was difficulty in positioning for intubation), anterior mediastinal mass (with difficulty in maintenance of anesthesia), cervical spine injury and one patient with left mandible fracture with history of road traffic accident. Different methods were successfully adopted for managing all of these difficult airway cases. Hence planning, preparation, and execution is very important in successful management of difficult airway.