Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Family experience living with advanced neoplasm: a glance at the rural population

  • Danusa Begnini,
  • Nara Marilene Oliveira Giradon-Perlini,
  • Mardrig Beuter,
  • Lucía Silva,
  • Isabel Cristina Pacheco Van Der Sand,
  • Maira Deguer Misko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 73, no. 4


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ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the experience of rural families living with advanced cancer, from Family Management Style Framework’s perspective. Methods: a qualitative research conducted in seven cities of the northern of state of Rio Grande do Sul in homes of 11 families (27 people). Data collection took place in 2014, using the genogram and narrative interview. Analysis followed Family Management Style Framework’s theoretical model. Results: the results were organized into three categories based on conceptual components of the referred model: no more normal life: situation definition; attempt to reconcile care and work: management behavior; imminence of the finitude of life: perception of consequences. Final Considerations: living in rural context gives families specific ways of dealing with advanced cancer. Understanding the movements undertaken by rural families throughout the experience can guide nursing professionals in planning interventions collaborating with this population’s health.
