Das Amazônias (Aug 2023)
Negros e indígenas na fronteira entre Brasil e Guiana Francesa: o caso da comunidade "misturada" Quilombola Kulumbu do Patuazinho
In the Amazon, there are still few studies that deal with multiethnic relations between blacks and indigenous people. This is the case of the border between Brazil and French Guiana, mainly in the city of Oiapoque, where there is a sociocultural diversity, but the lack of knowledge about the presence of quilombola communities in this region still prevails. In this article I explore the formation process of the Kulumbu do Patuazinho quilombo where black and indigenous people built relationships with the occupied territory that originated the formation of the community. To carry out the research, concatenated methods such as oral history, ethnography and journeys through the territory were used. The participation of community residents was essential for information recording throughout the research. The results allow us to understand that the formation of the quilombola community Kulumbu do Patuazinho starts from the principle of valuing the mixtures between the relations of the African matrix and the indigenous cosmology that permeate the territory and gives meaning to the perspective of the community in the quilombo.