Fontes Linguae Vasconum (Dec 2012)

Bi testu llabur Aezkoa eta Zuberoako: Garralda (1828) & Larraine (1817)

  • Iñaki Camino

Journal volume & issue
no. 114
pp. 61 – 72


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XIX. mendeko bi euskal testu llabur dakartzagu argitara. Lehena 1828koa da eta Aezkoako Garraldan idatzi bide zen. Apezak herriko gazteekin iskanbila zenbait eduki zuen eta horien ondorioz, apezari ahalkeizungarri iruditu zitzaion orri bat erantsi zioten etxeko saihetsean. Apezak auzitara jo zuen eta orduan euskaraz idatzitako orri hura, Iruñeko auzi bateko dokumentazio idatzian ageri da; aetzek orduan idatzi euskal lerro bakanen iruzkina dakargu. Bigarren testua mugakoa da, Larrainetik Otsagabira 1817an idatzia: bortuan bilaketan ibili ziren gizon batzuei ordaindu behar zaiela eta, sosa Larrainek ala Otsagabiak ezarri behar duen da auzia. Larrainetik idazten duenak argi dakusa gizonen galdea egin zuen Otsagabiari dela sos horien ordaintzea. We publish two short texts belonging to the nineteenth century. The first one dates from 1828 and was written in Garralda, Aezkoa Valley. It seems that the local abbot had some differences with the young girls and boys of the village and, as a consequence, someone stuck a satirical poster on the wall of the priest’s house. The text was written in Basque. The contents of it shocked the Abbot, who reported the incidents to the authorities. That resulted in a prosecution. The documentation located in the Archives of Pamplona shows the Garralda text, whose linguistic forms are here discussed. The second text deals with administrative matters and expenses of the villages of Larrau (province of Soule) and Ochagavía (Navarra), situated in the boundary of these two provinces, in a very rough and steep area. It was written in 1817 and sent from Larrau to Ochagavía asking for money to pay the wages of some men and guards of Larrau who were sent to the hills at Ochagavía’s request. The text discusses who should pay the costs of the searching.
