Administrative Sciences (Jan 2024)
Developing Theoretical and Methodological Provisions for Improving the Mechanism of Labour Efficiency
The article presents a theoretical generalisation and solution of a current scientific and applied problem which develops theoretical principles, methodological approaches and scientific and practical recommendations for improving the mechanism of labour efficiency management in terms of innovation-oriented development of enterprises. It is substantiated that in the conditions of innovation-oriented development of ecosystems, including enterprises, the disclosure of the essence of labour efficiency requires introduction of a dual quantitative–qualitative approach: on the one hand, labour efficiency reflects the ratio of the manufactured products (tangible and intangible benefits) and corresponding living labour costs (quantitative aspect) and, on the other hand, it is the result of using productive abilities of people, characterised by manufactured products of a particular consumer quality with the creation of added value (qualitative aspect). Conceptual bases of improvement of the mechanism of labour efficiency management at enterprises were developed. They are based on certain tasks, functions, principles, methods of labour efficiency management and the formed system of factors of influence and the revealed factors and reserves of an increase in labour efficiency. They presuppose development and realisation of the corresponding programme, which aims to: optimise total labour costs; improve quality of products at a constant mass and satisfaction with the work process of all its participants; ensure positive changes in material well-being and quality of life on the basis of the formation of modern innovation infrastructure of the enterprise.