Kufa Journal for Veterinary Medical Sciences (Dec 2019)
ALcoholic extraction of silymarin oil from seeds of local Milk thistle plant (silynum mariamum) at room temperature
This study conducted at central researches unit at the college of veterinary medicine in Basrah university and it aimed to extract silymarin components from local Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) that grow in north of Iraq(mosul) , at room temperature within different periods and 'isolation of silymarin oil from the plant, 50gram of grinded seeds defatted by normal hexane (500m1) using soxlet for 3 hr. and the defatted seeds powder extracted by absolute ethanol(1:3) at room temperature for 72 and 96 hr. After extraction of defatted grinded seeds of local silybum marianum with'absolute ethanol at room temperature. Results showed that at 96 hr.of extraction significantly effect the amount of extracted mat rial(24.3720+5.307mg/g p < 0.05) , while it was 10.9840+.92572 mg/g after72 hr. and the percentage of silymarin components were 1.109 +0.097and 2.435+ 0.0553% at 72 and 96hr. respectively and Silymarin oil that defatted from the grinded seeds yield 22.23%.