IEEE Photonics Journal (Jan 2019)
990 nm High-Power High-Beam-Quality DFB Laser With Narrow Linewidth Controlled by Gain-Coupled Effect
High-power single-longitudinal-mode regrowth-free gain-coupled distributed feedback laser diode based on ridge waveguide with periodic current injection is achieved at 990 nm. Our device is fabricated only by standard i-line lithography with micron-scale precision, obtains an excellent performance at high injection current. A continuous-wave power of over 0.681 W is achieved at 3 A. The maximum continuous-wave power at single-longitudinal-mode operation is up to 0.303 W at 1.4 A. Narrow linewidth emission has been reached with a 3 dB spectrum width less than 1.41 pm. The high side mode suppression ratio is over 35 dB. The lateral far field divergence angle is only 15.05°, the beam quality factor M2 is 1.245, achieving a laterally near-diffraction-limit emission. It is more beneficial for single-mode fiber coupling as pumping sources and other applications which require high beam quality at high power with easy fabrication technique.