Ученые записки Казанского университета: Серия Гуманитарные науки (Nov 2024)
Professor I.M. Ionenko’s Personality and Destiny in the Context of His Times [Review: Kabytov P.S., Fedorova N.A. Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Ionenko: His Personality and Times. 2nd ed., revis. and expanded. Kazan, Izd. Kazan. Univ., 2024. 224 p. (In Russian)]
This article reviews the second (revised and expanded) edition of the book “Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Ionenko: His Personality and Times” by P.S. Kabytov and N.A. Fedorova, with a detailed analysis of its main sections, which trace I.M. Ionenko’s life path, pedagogical and scholarly experience, public work, personal life, and relationships with students. The relevance of the book is discussed in the context of current historiographical trends. The key strengths of the book are highlighted, including its credibility, quality and diversity of the source materials used, thorough reconstruction of the pivotal moments in the life of the researcher, and precise definition of the role his works played in the development of Russian historiography. Therefore, the book offers valuable insights into the life of Professor I.M. Ionenko of Kazan Federal University and is a meaningful contribution to preserving the corporate memory of historians over time.