International Journal of Geo-Engineering (Apr 2020)
Experimental and numerical study on the bearing capacity of encased stone columns
Abstract Stone columns have attracted considerable attention as a ground improvement techniques recently. Performance of stone columns, however, depends on confining pressure offered by the surrounding soils. In the case of very soft soils, the lateral confining pressure may be insufficient and this may lead to column bulging failure. Encapsulating the individual stone column enhances the lateral resistance against bulging by additional confining pressure. In this study, the influences of the length of encasement and type of aggregate materials on the bearing capacity of a single stone column in both dry sand and clay bed were investigated. The results indicated a clear improvement by encasing the half-length of the column. The numerical study also showed the effect of reinforcement stiffness reduces with increase in the cohesion of the clay. Parametric study showed that the effect of encasement stiffness is insignificant for clay bed with high values of cohesion.