Clio y Asociados (Dec 2017)
Posicionamiento político de los jóvenes y conocimiento histórico: un estudio empírico en los Campos Gerais, Paraná, Brasil
These paper aims discuss the relationship between historical knowledge and the political positioning of young people from the high school, between 15 and 18 years old. For do this, a quantitative data collection method was used to give a general picture ofthis relationship. The questionnaireswere applied in Ponta Grossa -PR and Castro -PR, both of them in the Campos Gerais region, between May and Juneof 2017. The chosen topic to reflect about the political positioning and historical knowledge was the period about 1964-1985 in Brazil, while the country was governed by the military. The data collected allows us to perceive that the young people who present a bigger historical knowledge about the period adhere to more complex solutions.